CLIF-2.0 Data Dictionary

Below is the entity-relationship diagram (ERD) that provides an overview of the relational CLIF database structure.


Patient Vitals Respiratory Support Labs Medication Orders Medication Admin Continuous Hospitalization Patient Assessments Dialysis Microbiology Culture Sensitivity Medication Admin Intermittent ADT Intake Output ECMO MCS Microbiology Non-culture Procedures Therapy Details Admission Diagnosis Provider Position

Relational CLIF (RCLIF) is a database that is organized into clinically relevant column categories - demographics, objective measures, respiratory support, orders, and inputs-outputs. Below are sample templates for each table in R-CLIF. Here you can find detailed descriptions of each table and their fields.

You can use our custom GPT- CLIF Assistant to learn more about CLIF and develop analysis scripts.

CLIF maturity

CLIF is still under development and some parts of the format are more mature than others. CLIF will also need to evolve as the set of minimum Common Data Elements for studying critical illness expands or changes over time.

The consortium has two different maturity concepts: one for the overall ER model and one for the individual tables.

Overall Maturity Level for CLIF

  • Experimental Experimental: Majority of critical illness and hospital course not represented in Entity-Relationship (ER) model, expect frequent breaking changes.
  • Beta Beta: Core ER model complete and breaking changes to the existing structure unlikely. Actively seeking feedback about new tables to add to the ER model to fully capture critical illness.
  • Stable Stable: Tested and recommended for general use. EHR data not currently represented in CLIF outside the scope of the format.
  • Mature Mature: Widely adopted across majority of consortium sites with majority of tables in stable or mature (see maturity levels for CLIF Tables). ER model very stable.
  • Deprecated Deprecated: No longer maintained.

The entity-relationship model for this project is currently at the Beta Beta level for adult patients in a general medical intensive care unit. Major breaking changes to the existing structure are unlikely. The consortium is actively seeking feedback about new tables and fields to add to the ER model to achieve the goal of representing developing a minimum Common ICU Data Elements (mCIDE)

For pediatric patients, CLIF is in the Experimental Experimental maturity phase. CLIF is also Experimental Experimental for adult patients in specialty ICUs (e.g. cardiac intensive care unit, surgical intensive care unit, and neurointensive care unit).

Maturity Levels for CLIF Tables

There are two critical maturity elements for each CLIF table: 1) field structure and 2) Common ICU data Element development. Each CLIF table has one or more consortium physician-data scientists who are responsible for table design.

  • Concept Concept: Placeholder for future CLIF table. Majority of table structure and CDE elements incomplete. Expect breaking changes.
  • Beta Beta: Table structure and field names complete, but not fully tested. CDE for category variables underdevelopment. Actively seeking feedback.
  • Stable Stable: Tested and recommended for general use. CDE stable with permissible values for all category variables precisely defined and locked. Fully implemented at multiple consortium sites and used in a peer-reviewed publication.
  • Mature Mature: Adopted across a majority of the CLIF consortium sites and very stable.
  • Deprecated Deprecated: No longer maintained.

The CLIF-1.0 data dictionary is available here and is now deprecated

General inpatient tables

The data in these tables are typically of most electronic data warehouse systems and are not specific to critical illness. The CLIF versions of these general tables are designed to ensure that they clearly represent the minimum set of data required for critical illness research. Whenever possible, CLIF seeks compatibility with existing EHR data standards.


This table contains demographic information about the patient that does not vary between hospitalizations. It is inspired by the OMOP Person table

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
patient_id VARCHAR Unique identifier for each patient. This is presumed to be a distinct individual.
race_name VARCHAR Patient race string from source data No restriction
race_category VARCHAR A standardized CDE description of patient’s race per the US Census permissible values. The source data may contain different strings for race. Black or African American, White, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Unknown, Other
ethnicity_name VARCHAR Patient ethnicity string from source data No restriction
ethnicity_category VARCHAR Description of patient’s ethnicity per the US census definition. The source data may contain different strings for ethnicity. Hispanic, Non-Hispanic, Unknown
sex_name VARCHAR Patient’s biological sex as given in the source data. No restriction
sex_category VARCHAR Patient’s biological sex. Male, Female, Unknown
birth_date DATETIME Patient’s date of birth. Date format should be %Y-%m-%d
death_dttm DATETIME Patient’s death date, including time. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
language_name VARCHAR Patient’s preferred language. Original string from the source data
language_category VARCHAR Maps language_name to a standardized list of spoken languages Under-development


The hospitalization table contains information about each hospitalization event. Each row in this table represents a unique hospitalization event for a patient. This table is inspired by the visit_occurance OMOP table but is specific to inpatient hospitalizations (including those that begin in the emergency room).

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
patient_id VARCHAR Unique identifier for each patient, linking to the patient table No restriction
hospitalization_id VARCHAR Unique identifier for each hospitalization encounter. Each hospitalization_id represents a unique stay in the hospital No restriction
hospitalization_joined_id VARCHAR Unique identifier for each continuous inpatient stay in a health system which may span different hospitals (Optional) No restriction
admission_dttm DATETIME Date and time the patient is admitted to the hospital Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
discharge_dttm DATETIME Date and time the patient is discharged from the hospital Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
age_at_admission INT Age of the patient at the time of admission, in years No restriction
admission_type_name VARCHAR Type of inpatient admission. Original string from the source data e.g. “Direct admission”, “Transfer”, “Pre-op surgical”
admission_type_category VARCHAR Admission disposition mapped to mCIDE categories Under-development
discharge_name VARCHAR Original discharge disposition name string recorded in the raw data No restriction, e.g. “home”
discharge_category VARCHAR Maps discharge_name to a standardized list of discharge categories Home, Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF), Expired, Acute Inpatient Rehab Facility, Hospice, Long Term Care Hospital (LTACH), Acute Care Hospital, Group Home, Chemical Dependency, Against Medical Advice (AMA), Assisted Living, Still Admitted, Missing, Other, Psychiatric Hospital, Shelter, Jail
zipcode_nine_digit VARCHAR Patient’s 9 digit zip code, used to link with other indices such as ADI and SVI No restriction
zipcode_five_digit VARCHAR Patient’s 5 digit zip code, used to link with other indices such as ADI and SVI No restriction
census_block_code VARCHAR 15 digit FIPS code No restriction
census_block_group_code VARCHAR 12 digit FIPS code No restriction
census_tract VARCHAR 11 digit FIPS code No restriction
state_code VARCHAR 2 digit FIPS code No restriction
county_code VARCHAR 5 digit FIPS code No restriction


  1. If a patient is discharged to Home/Hospice, then discharge_category == Hospice.

  2. The geographical indicators(zipcode_nine_digit, zipcode_five_digit, census_block_code, census_block_group_code, census_tract, state_code, county_code) should be added if they are available in your source dataset. zipcode_nine_digit is preferred over zipcode_five_digit, and census_block_code is ideal for census based indicators.The choice of geographical indicators may differ depending on the project.

  3. If a patient is transferred between different hospitals within a health system, a new hospitalization_id should be created

  4. If a patient is initially seen in an ER in hospital A and then admitted to inpatient status in hospital B, one hospitalization_id should be created for data from both stays

  5. A hospitalization_joined_id can also be created from a CLIF table from contiguous hospitalization_ids


The admission, discharge, and transfer (ADT) table is a start-stop longitudinal dataset that contains information about each patient’s movement within the hospital. It also has a hospital_id field to distinguish between different hospitals within a health system.

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
hospitalization_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter No restriction
hospital_id VARCHAR Assign a unique ID to each hospital within a healthsystem No restriction
in_dttm DATETIME Start date and time at a particular location Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
out_dttm DATETIME End date and time at a particular location Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
location_name VARCHAR Location of the patient inside the hospital. This field is used to store the patient location from the source data. This field is not used for analysis. No restriction
location_category VARCHAR Maps location_name to a standardized list of ADT location categories ed, ward, stepdown, icu, procedural, l&d, hospice, psych, rehab, radiology, dialysis, other

Note: Procedural areas and operating rooms should be mapped to Procedural. Pre/Intra/Post-procedural/OR EHR data (such as anesthesia flowsheet records from Labs, Vitals, Scores, Respiratory Support) are not currently represented in CLIF.


The vitals table is a long-form (one vital sign per row) longitudinal table.

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
hospitalization_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter. No restriction
recorded_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the vital is recorded. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
vital_name VARCHAR This field is used to store the description of the flowsheet measure from the source data. This field is not used for analysis. No restriction
vital_category VARCHAR Maps vital_name to a list standard vital sign categories temp_c, heart_rate, sbp, dbp, spo2, respiratory_rate, map, height_cm, weight_kg
vital_value DOUBLE Recorded value of the vital. Ensure that the measurement unit is aligned with the permissible units of measurements. temp_c = Celsius, height_cm = Centimeters, weight_kg = Kg, map = mm/Hg, spo2 = %. No unit for heart_rate, sbp, dbp, and respiratory_rate
meas_site_name VARCHAR Site where the vital is recorded. No CDE corresponding to this variable (Optional field) No restrictions. Note: no _category CDE variable exists yet


The labs table is a long form (one lab result per row) longitudinal table. Each lab result

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
hospitalization_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter. No restriction
lab_order_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the lab is ordered. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
lab_collect_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the specimen is collected. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
lab_result_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the lab results are available. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
lab_order_name VARCHAR Procedure name for the lab, e.g. “Complete blood count w/ diff” No restriction
lab_order_category VARCHAR Maps lab_order_nameto standardized list of common lab order names, e.g. “CBC” CDE under development
lab_name VARCHAR Original lab component as recorded in the raw data, e.g. “AST (SGOT)”. No restriction
lab_category VARCHAR Maps lab_name to a minimum set of standardized labs identified by the CLIF consortium as minimum necessary labs for the study of critical illness. List of lab categories in CLIF
lab_value VARCHAR Recorded value corresponding to a lab. Lab values are often strings that can contain non-numeric results (e.g. “> upper limit of detection”). No restriction
lab_value_numeric DOUBLE Parse out numeric part of the lab_value variable (optional). Numeric
reference_unit VARCHAR Unit of measurement for that lab. Permissible reference values for each lab_category listed here
lab_specimen_name VARCHAR Original fluid or tissue name the lab was collected from as given in the source data No restriction
lab_specimen_category VARCHAR fluid or tissue the lab was collected from, analogous to the LOINC “system” component. working CDE c(blood/plasma/serum, urine, csf, other).
lab_loinc_code VARCHAR LOINC code for the lab No restrictions

Note: The lab_value field often has non-numeric entries that are useful to make project-specific decisions. A site may choose to keep the lab_value field as a character and create a new field lab_value_numeric that only parses the character field to extract the numeric part of the string.

Patient Assessments

The patient_assessments table captures various assessments performed on patients across different domains, including neurological status, sedation levels, pain, and withdrawal. The table is designed to provide detailed information about the assessments, such as the name of the assessment, the category, and the recorded values.

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
hospitalization_id VARCHAR Primary Identifier. Unique identifier linking assessments to a specific patient hospitalization.
recorded_dttm DATETIME The exact date and time when the assessment was recorded, ensuring temporal accuracy. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
assessment_name VARCHAR Assessment Tool Name. The primary name of the assessment tool used (e.g., GCS, NRS, SAT Screen). No restriction
assessment_category VARCHAR Maps assessment_name to a standardized list of patient assessments List of permissible assessment categories here
assessment_group VARCHAR Broader Assessment Group. This groups the assessments into categories such as “Sedation,” “Neurologic,” “Pain,” etc. List of permissible assessment groups here
numerical_value DOUBLE Numerical Assessment Result. The numerical result or score from the assessment component. Applicable for assessments with numerical outcomes (e.g., 0-10, 3-15).
categorical_value VARCHAR Categorical Assessment Result. The categorical outcome from the assessment component. Applicable for assessments with categorical outcomes (e.g., Pass/Fail, Yes/No).
text_value VARCHAR Textual Assessment Result. The textual explanation or notes from the assessment component. Applicable for assessments requiring textual data.


Continuous start stop record of every provider who cared for the patient.

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
hospitalization_id VARCHAR Unique identifier for each hospitalization, linking the provider to a specific encounter No restriction
provider_id VARCHAR Unique identifier for each provider. This represents individual healthcare providers No restriction
start_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the provider’s care or involvement in the patient’s case began Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
stop_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the provider’s care or involvement in the patient’s case ended Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
provider_role_name VARCHAR The original string describing the role or specialty of the provider during the hospitalization No restriction
provider_role_category VARCHAR Maps provider_role_name to list of standardized provider roles under development

Admission Diagnosis

Record of all diagnoses associated with the hospitalization. Expect breaking changes to this table as we seek to align it with existing diagnosis ontologies

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
patient_id VARCHAR Unique identifier for each patient No restriction
diagnostic_code DOUBLE numeric diagnosis code valid code in the diagnositic_code_format
diagnosis_code_format VARCHAR description of the diagnostic code format icd9 ,icd10
start_dttm DATETIME date time the diagnosis was recorded Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
end_dttm DATETIME date time the diagnosis was noted as resolved (if resolved) Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

Medication Admin Intermittent

This table has exactly the same schema as medication_admin_continuous described below. The consortium decided to separate the medications that are administered intermittently from the continuously administered medications. However, the CDE for medication_category remains undefined for medication_admin_intermittent.

Medication Orders

This table records the ordering (not administration) of medications. The table is in long form (one medication order per row) longitudinal table. Linkage to the medication_admin_continuous and medication_admin_intermittent tables is through the med_order_id field.

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
hospitalization_id VARCHAR Unique identifier for each hospitalization, linking medication orders to a specific encounter No restrictions
med_order_id VARCHAR Unique identifier for each medication order No restrictions
order_start_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the medication order was initiated Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
order_end_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the medication order ended or was discontinued Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
ordered_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the medication was actually ordered Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
med_name VARCHAR Name of the medication ordered No restrictions
med_category VARCHAR Maps med_name to a list of permissible medication names Combined CDE of medication_admin_continuous and medication_admin_intermittent , under development
med_group VARCHAR Limited number of medication groups identified by the CLIF consortium
med_order_status_name VARCHAR Status of the medication order, e.g. “held”, or “given” No restrictions
med_order_status_category VARCHAR Maps med_order_status_name to a standardized list of medication order statuses Under-development
med_route_name VARCHAR Route of administration for the medication No restrictions, Examples include Oral, Intravenous
med_dose DOUBLE Dosage of the medication ordered Numeric
med_dose_unit VARCHAR Unit of measurement for the medication dosage Examples include mg, mL, units
med_frequency VARCHAR Frequency with which the medication is administered, as per the order Examples include Once Daily, Every 6 hours
prn BOOLEAN Indicates whether the medication is to be given “as needed” (PRN) 0 (No), 1 (Yes)

Critical illness specific tables

Respiratory Support

The respiratory support table is a wider longitudinal table that captures simultaneously recorded ventilator settings and observed ventilator parameters. The table is designed to capture the most common respiratory support devices and modes used in the ICU. It will be sparse for patients who are not on mechanical ventilation.

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
hospitalization_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter
recorded_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the device started Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
device_name VARCHAR Includes raw string of the devices. Not used for analysis No restriction
device_category VARCHAR Maps device_name to a standardized list of respiratory support device categories IMV, NIPPV, CPAP, High Flow NC, Face Mask, Trach Collar, Nasal Cannula, Room Air, Other
vent_brand_name VARCHAR Ventilator model name when device_category is IMV or NIPPV No restriction
mode_name VARCHAR Includes raw string of the modes, e.g. “CMV volume control” No restriction
mode_category VARCHAR Maps mode_name to a standardized list of modes of mechanical ventilation Assist Control-Volume Control, Pressure Control, Pressure-Regulated Volume Control, SIMV, Pressure Support/CPAP, Volume Support, Other
tracheostomy BOOLEAN Indicates if tracheostomy is present 0 = No, 1 = Yes
fio2_set DOUBLE Fraction of inspired oxygen set in decimals (e.g. 0.21) No restriction, see Expected _set values for each device_category and mode_category
lpm_set DOUBLE Liters per minute set No restriction, see Expected _set values for each device_category and mode_category
tidal_volume_set DOUBLE Tidal volume set (in mL) No restriction, see Expected _set values for each device_category and mode_category
resp_rate_set DOUBLE Respiratory rate set (in bpm) No restriction, see Expected _set values for each device_category and mode_category
pressure_control_set DOUBLE Pressure control set (in cmH2O) No restriction, see Expected _set values for each device_category and mode_category
pressure_support_set DOUBLE Pressure support set (in cmH2O) No restriction, see Expected _set values for each device_category and mode_category
flow_rate_set DOUBLE Flow rate set No restriction, see Expected _set values for each device_category and mode_category
peak_inspiratory_pressure_set DOUBLE Peak inspiratory pressure set (in cmH2O) No restriction, see Expected _set values for each device_category and mode_category
inspiratory_time_set DOUBLE Inspiratory time set (in seconds) No restriction, see Expected _set values for each device_category and mode_category
peep_set DOUBLE Positive-end-expiratory pressure set (in cmH2O) No restriction, see Expected _set values for each device_category and mode_category
tidal_volume_obs DOUBLE Observed tidal volume (in mL) No restriction
resp_rate_obs DOUBLE Observed respiratory rate (in bpm) No restriction
plateau_pressure_obs DOUBLE Observed plateau pressure (in cmH2O) No restriction
peak_inspiratory_pressure_obs DOUBLE Observed peak inspiratory pressure (in cmH2O) No restriction
peep_obs DOUBLE Observed positive-end-expiratory pressure (in cmH2O) No restriction
minute_vent_obs DOUBLE Observed minute ventilation (in liters) No restriction
mean_airway_pressure_obs DOUBLE Observed mean airway pressure No restriction

Expected *_set values for each device_category and mode_category

device_category == “IMV”

ventilator setting Assist Control-Volume Control Pressure Support/CPAP Pressure Control Pressure-Regulated Volume Control SIMV Volume Support
fio2_set E E E E E E
tidal_volume_set E E P E
resp_rate_set E E E E
pressure_control_set E P
pressure_support_set E E
flow_rate_set P P
inspiratory_time_set P E P
peep_set E E E E E E

E = Expected ventilator setting for the mode, P = possible ventilator setting for the mode.

device_category == “NIPPV”

mode_category is Pressure Support/CPAP and the fio2_set, peep_set , and either pressure_support_set OR peak_inspiratory_pressure_set (IPAP) is required.

device_category == “CPAP”

mode_category is Pressure Support/CPAP and the fio2_set and peep_set are required.

device_category == “High Flow NC”

mode_category is NA and the fio2_set and lpm_set are required.

device_category == “Face Mask”

mode_category is NA lpm_set is required. fio2_set is possible.

device_category == “Trach Collar” or “Nasal Cannula”

mode_category is NA and lpm_set is required.

Medication Admin Continuous

The medication admin continuous table is a long-form (one medication administration per row) longitudinal table. Note that it only reflects dose changes of the continuous medication and does not have a specific “end_time” variable to indicate the medication being stopped.

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
hospitalization_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter
med_order_id VARCHAR Medication order ID. Foreign key to link this table to other medication tables
admin_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the medicine was administered Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
med_name VARCHAR Original med name string recorded in the raw data which often contains concentration e.g. “NOREPInephrine 8 mg/250 mL”
med_category VARCHAR Maps med_name to a limited set of active ingredients for important ICU medications, e.g. “norepinephrine” List of continuous medication categories in CLIF
med_group VARCHAR Limited number of ICU medication groups identified by the CLIF consortium, e.g. “vasoactives” List of continuous medication groups in CLIF
med_route_name VARCHAR Medicine delivery route e.g. IV, enteral
med_route_category VARCHAR Maps med_route_name to a standardized list of medication delivery routes Under-development
med_dose DOUBLE Quantity taken in dose
med_dose_unit VARCHAR Unit of dose
mar_action_name VARCHAR MAR (medication administration record) action, e.g. “stopped”
mar_action_category VARCHAR Maps mar_action_name to a standardized list of MAR actions Under-development


The position table is a long form (one position per row) longitudinal table that captures all documented position changes of the patient. The table is designed for the explicit purpose of constructing the position_category CDE and identifying patients in prone position.

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
hospitalization_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter. This table only includes those encounters that have proning documented ever.
recorded_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the vital is recorded. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
position_name VARCHAR This field is used to store the description of the position from the source data. This field is not used for analysis. No restriction
position_category VARCHAR Maps position_name to either prone or not prone. prone, not_prone


The dialysis table is a wider longitudinal table that captures the start and stop times of dialysis sessions, the type of dialysis performed, and the amount of dialysate flow and ultrafiltration.

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible values
hospitalization_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter
start_dttm DATETIME Start date and time of dialysis session Datetime format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
stop_dttm DATETIME Stop date and time of dialysis session Datetime format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
dialysis_type_name VARCHAR Name of dialysis type No restriction
dialysis_type_category VARCHAR Maps dialysis_type_name to a list of standardized dialysis types intermittent, peritoneal, crrt
crrt_mode_name VARCHAR Name of the CRRT mode, e.g. “CVVHD” No restriction
crrt_mode_category VARCHAR Maps crrt_mode_name to a standardized list of CRRT modes under development
fluid_removal_amt DOUBLE Amount of fluid removed during dialysis Numeric
dialysate_flow_rate DOUBLE Rate of dialysate flow Numeric


The ECMO/MCS table is a wider longitudinal table that captures the start and stop times of ECMO/MCS support, the type of device used, and the work rate of the device.

Variable Name Description
hospitalization_id Unique identifier for the hospitalization event.
start_dttm Date and time when ECMO/MCS support started.
end_dttm Date and time when ECMO/MCS support ended.
device_name Name of the ECMO/MCS device used including brand information, e.g. “Centrimag”
device_category Maps device_name to a standardized list of ECMO or MCS
device_metric_name String that captures the measure of work rate of the device, e.g., RPMs.
device_rate Numeric value of work rate, e.g., 3000 RPMs.
flow Blood flow in L/min.
sweep Gas flow rate in L/min.


The intake_output table is long form table that captures the times intake and output events were recorded, the type of fluid administered or recorded as “out”, and the amount of fluid.

Variable Name Description
hospitalization_id Unique identifier for the hospitalization event.
intake_dttm Date and time of intake.
fluid_name Name of the fluid administered.
amount Amount of fluid administered (in mL).
in_out_flag Indicator for intake or output (1 for intake, 0 for output).


The therapy_details table is a wide longitudinal table that captures the details of therapy sessions. The table is designed to capture and categorize the most common therapy elements used in the ICU.

Variable Name Description
hospitalization_id Unique identifier for the hospitalization event.
session_start_dttm Date and time when the therapy session started.
therapy_element_name Name of the therapy element.
therapy_element_category Category of the therapy element.
therapy_element_value Value associated with the therapy element.

Microbiology Culture

The microbiology culture table is a wide longitudinal table that captures the order and result times of microbiology culture tests, the type of fluid collected, the component of the test, and the organism identified.

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
hospitalization_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter.
order_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the test is ordered. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
collect_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the specimen is collected. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
result_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the results are available. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
fluid_name VARCHAR Cleaned fluid name string from the raw data. This field is not used for analysis. No restriction. Check this file for examples
fluid_category VARCHAR Fluid categories defined according to the NIH common data elements. CDE NIH Infection Site
component_name VARCHAR Original component names from the source data. No restriction
component_category VARCHAR Maps component_name to a standardized list of component categories culture, gram stain, smear
organism_name VARCHAR Cleaned organism name string from the raw data. This field is not used for analysis. No restriction. Check this file for examples](
organism_category VARCHAR Maps organism_name to the standardized list of organisms in the NIH CDE CDE NIH Organism


This table is used to store the susceptibility results of the organisms identified in the Microbiology Culture table and may be renamed to Microbiology_Susceptibility

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
culture_id VARCHAR Unique identifier linking to the culture from which the sensitivity test was performed
antibiotic VARCHAR Name of the antibiotic tested for sensitivity Examples include Penicillin, Vancomycin
sensitivity VARCHAR The result of the sensitivity test, indicating the organism’s resistance or susceptibility Resistant, Intermediate, Susceptible
mic DOUBLE Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) value, which measures the lowest concentration of an antibiotic needed to inhibit growth


The microbiology non-culture table is a wide longitudinal table that captures the order and result times of non-culture microbiology tests, the type of fluid collected, the component of the test, and the result of the test.

Variable Name Description
hospitalization_id Unique identifier for the hospitalization event.
result_dttm Date and time when the non-culture result was obtained.
collect_dttm Date and time when the sample was collected.
order_dttm Date and time when the test was ordered.
fluid_name Name of the fluid sample.
component_category Category of the component tested.
result_unit_category Unit category of the test result.
result_category Category of the test result.


A longitudinal record of each bedside ICU procedure performed on the patient (e.g. central line placement, chest tube placement). Note that this table is not intended to capture the full set of procedures performed on inpatients.

Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
hospitalization_id VARCHAR Unique identifier for each hospitalization, linking the procedure to a specific encounter
procedure_name VARCHAR Name of the procedure performed on the patient Examples include “Central Line Placement
procedure_category VARCHAR Maps procedure_name to a list of standardized procedures CDE under development
diagnosis VARCHAR The diagnosis or reason for performing the procedure
start_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the procedure was initiated

Future proposed tables

These are tables without any defined structure that the consortium has not yet committed to implementing.

  • Code_status: longitudinal record containing changes in the patient’s code status during the hospitalization over time
    code_status_category with levels c(DNR, UDNR, DNR/DNI, Full, Presume Full, Other)

  • Clinical Decision Support: This table will capture the actions of clinical decision support tools embedded in the EHR. The table will have the following fields: cds_name, cds_category, cds_value, cds_trigger_ddtm.