CLIF-1.0 Data Dictionary- Archived

Below is the entity-relationship diagram (ERD) that provides an overview of the relational CLIF database structure. This version of CLIF is Deprecated

Relational CLIF tables are organized into clinically relevant column categories - demographics, objective measures, respiratory support, orders, and inputs-outputs. Below are sample templates for each table in R-CLIF. Here you can find detailed descriptions of each table and their fields.

You can use our custom GPT- CLIF Assistant to learn more about CLIF and develop analysis scripts using Clifford (Synthetic CLIF).


Variable Name Data Type Definition
patient_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient. Every patient assigned a unique identifier is presumed to be a distinct individual
encounter_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter (a given patient can have multiple encounters). Each encounter_id represents a unique hospitalization for a patient, capturing the entire duration of the hospital stay. This is the primary key for most other tables


patient_id encounter_id
1 1
1 2
1 3
5 10
6 11
6 12


Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
encounter_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter
race VARCHAR Description of patient’s race. Each site could have different strings in source data Black , White, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Unknown, Other
ethnicity VARCHAR Description of patient’s ethnicity Hispanic, Non-Hispanic, Unknown
sex VARCHAR Patient’s biological sex Male , Female, Unknown


patient_id race ethnicity sex
1 Black Non-hispanic Female
5 Black Non-hispanic Male
6 White Non-hispanic Male
32 Asian Non-hispanic Male
43 White Hispanic Female
62 Other Non-hispanic Female


Variable Name Data Type Definition
encounter_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter. Each encounter_id represents a unique hospitalization for a patient, capturing the entire duration of the hospital stay
admission_dttm DATETIME Date and time the patient is admitted (in the format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S). Use this date to determine the start date and time of the patient hospitalization
discharge_dttm DATETIME Date and time the patient is discharged (in the format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S). Use this date to determine the distacharge date of the patient hospitalization
birth_date DATETIME Patient date of birth. This variable is used to calculate age at admission for analysis
zipcode_9digit VARCHAR Patient zipcode. This variable is used to link the database with other indices like ADI, SVI etc


encounter_id admission_dttm discharge_dttm birth_dttm zipcode_9digit
1 2020-08-27 08:15:00 2020-08-27 18:59:00 2014-08-10
2 2021-06-28 07:00:00 2021-06-27 19:00:00 2000-02-11
3 2021-09-17 08:43:00 2021-09-17 18:59:00 2000-02-11
10 2020-08-12 00:44:00 2020-08-12 18:59:00 1990-04-21
11 2021-04-19 06:23:00 2021-04-19 18:59:00 2019-01-23
12 2022-10-06 10:43:00 2022-10-06 18:59:00 2019-01-23


Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
encounter_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter.
age_at_admission INT Age of the patient at the time of admission. Calculated using the admission_dttm and birth_date from the limited identifiers table.
disposition_name VARCHAR Original disposition name string recorded in the raw data. This field allows for the storing of the dispostion value as it appears in the source data. This field is not used for analysis.
disposition_category VARCHAR Description of disposition when discharged. Map source values stored in disposition_name to the mCIDE categories. Home, Hospice, Discharged to another facility, Dead, Admitted, Other


encounter_id age_at_admission disposition_name disposition_category
1 6 Discharged to Home or Self Care (Routine Discharge) Home
2 22 Discharged/transferred to Home Under Care of Organized Home Health Service Org Home
3 54 Left Against Medical Advice or Discontinued Care Home
10 20 Discharged/transferred to a Short-Term General Hospital for Inpatient Care Discharged to another facility
11 2 Discharged/transferred to a Facility that Provides Custodial or Supportive Care Discharged to another facility
62 66 Hospice - Medical Facility (Certified) Providing Hospice Level of Care Hospice
634 827 Expired Dead


Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
encounter_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter
hospital_id VARCHAR Assign an ID to each hospital in the hospital system
in_dttm DATETIME Start date and time at a particular location Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
out_dttm DATETIME End date and time at a particular location Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
location_name VARCHAR Location of the patient inside the hospital. This field is used to store the patient location from the source data. This field is not used for analysis. No restriction
location_category VARCHAR Map location_name from the source data to categories identified under CLIF. ER, OR, ICU, Ward, Other


encounter_id hospital_id in_dttm out_dttm location_name location_category
1 A 2020-12-28 10:35:00 2020-12-29 03:21:00 ED CCD ER
1 A 2020-12-29 03:21:00 2020-12-29 07:25:00 N03W Ward
3 A 2021-03-18 05:02:00 2021-03-19 20:22:00 N03W ICU
3 B 2021-03-19 20:22:00 2021-03-22 09:30:00 T5SW Ward
11 F 2022-09-30 17:50:00 2022-09-30 23:30:00 ER COMER ER


Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
encounter_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter.
recorded_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the vital is recorded. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
vital_name VARCHAR This field is used to store the description of the flowsheet measure from the source data. This field is not used for analysis. No restriction
vital_category VARCHAR Map flowsheet measures stored in vital_name to the to categories identified under CLIF. temp_c, pulse, sbp, dbp, spo2, respiratory_rate, map, height_inches, weight_kg
vital_value DOUBLE Recorded value of the vital. Ensure that the measurement unit is aligned with the permissible units of measurements. temp_c = Celsius, height_inches = Inch, weight_kg = Kg, map = mm/Hg, spo2 = %, No unit for pulse, sbp, dbp, and respiratory_rate
meas_site_name VARCHAR Site where vital is recorded No restrictions. Record the site name from the source data.


encounter_id recorded_dttm vital_name vital_category vital_value meas_site_name
1 2022-05-05 04:18:00 RESPIRATIONS respiratory_rate 18 not specified
1 2022-05-05 04:18:00 PULSE OXIMETRY spo2 97 not specified
1 2022-05-05 04:18:00 NUR RS CORE TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT temp_c 98.1 core
1 2022-05-05 04:18:00 PULSE pulse 73 not specified
1 2022-05-01 11:23:00 WEIGHT/SCALE weight_kg 78.8 not specified
1 2022-05-01 11:23:00 HEIGHT height_inches 73 not specified


Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
encounter_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter.
lab_order_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the lab is ordered. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
lab_collect_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the specimen is collected. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
lab_result_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the lab results are available. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
lab_name VARCHAR Original lab name string recorded in the raw data. This field is not used for analysis.
lab_category VARCHAR 43 labs identified by the CLIF consortium. List of lab categories in CLIF
lab_group VARCHAR Lab categories roll up to form lab groups. ABG, BMP, CBC, Coags, LFT, Lactic Acid, Misc, VBG
lab_value DOUBLE Recorded value corresponding to a lab.
reference_unit VARCHAR Unit of measurement for that lab . Permissible reference values for each lab_category listed here
lab_type_name VARCHAR Type of lab. arterial, venous, standard, poc


encounter_id lab_order_dttm lab_collect_dttm lab_result_dttm lab_name lab_group lab_category lab_value reference_unit lab_type_name
2 2022-09-30 17:50:00 2022-09-30 18:05:00 2022-09-30 18:53:00 BASOPHILS CBC basophil 1 % standard
2 2022-09-30 17:50:00 2022-09-30 18:05:00 2022-09-30 18:53:00 MONOCYTES CBC monocyte 7 % standard
2 2022-09-30 17:50:00 2022-09-30 18:05:00 2022-09-30 18:53:00 NEUTROPHILS CBC neutrophil 47 % standard
2 2022-09-30 17:50:00 2022-09-30 18:05:00 2022-09-30 18:53:00 LYMPHOCYTES CBC lymphocyte 44 % standard
2 2022-09-30 17:50:00 2022-09-30 18:05:00 2022-09-30 18:53:00 EOSINOPHILS CBC eosinophils 1 % standard
2 2022-09-30 17:50:00 2022-09-30 18:05:00 2022-09-30 18:53:00 BILIRUBIN, UNCONJUGATED LFT bilirubin_unconjugated 0.9 mg/dL standard

Note: The lab_value field often has non-numeric entries that are useful to make project-specific decisions. A site may choose to keep the lab_value field as a character and create a new field lab_value_numeric that only parses the character field to extract the numeric part of the string.


Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
encounter_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter.
test_id VARCHAR An ID for a specific component, such as a gram culture smear, taken from a fluid sample with a unique order and collection time, if two different pathogens are identified, the result will be recorded as two separate rows, each sharing the same test_id.
order_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the test is ordered. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
collect_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the specimen is collected. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
result_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the results are available. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
fluid_name VARCHAR Cleaned fluid name string from the raw data. This field is not used for analysis. No restriction. Check this file for examples: clif_vocab_microbiology_fluid_ucmc.csv
fluid_category VARCHAR Fluid categories defined according to the NIH common data elements. CDE NIH Infection Site
component_name VARCHAR Original componenet names from the source data. No restriction
component_category VARCHAR Map component names to the categories identified under CLIF. culture, gram stain, smear
organism_name VARCHAR Cleaned oragnism name string from the raw data. This field is not used for analysis. No restriction. Check this file for examples: clif_vocab_microbiology_organism_ucmc.csv
organism_category VARCHAR Organism categories defined according to the NIH common data elements. CDE NIH Organism


encounter_id test_id culture_id order_dttm collect_dttm result_dttm fluid_name fluid_category component_name component_category organism_name organism_category
1 1 5/11/20 15:14 5/11/20 15:17 5/12/20 15:17 culture & stain, pleural fluid pleural cavity, pleural fluid quant. gram stain gram stain gram negative rod (nos) gram negative rod (nos)
1 2 1 5/11/20 15:14 5/11/20 15:17 5/14/20 15:17 culture & stain, pleural fluid pleural cavity, pleural fluid culture culture morganella_morganii other bacteria
2 3 7/20/20 19:23 7/20/20 19:24 7/22/20 16:07 culture & stain, fluid gallbladder and billary tree (not hepatitis), pancreas gram stain gram stain no growth no growth
2 4 2 7/20/20 19:23 7/20/20 19:24 7/23/20 17:07 culture & stain, fluid gallbladder and billary tree (not hepatitis), pancreas culture culture haemophilus_influenzae haemophilus (all species including influenzae)
3 5 3 8/7/20 22:38 8/8/20 22:38 8/10/20 22:38 culture & stain, respiratory lower respiratory tract (lung) culture, fungal and bacterial culture rhizopus_sp mucormycosis (zygomycetes, rhizopus)


Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
encounter_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter
recorded_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the device started Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
device_name VARCHAR Includes raw string of the devices. Not used for analysis Example mapping for device name to device category
device_category VARCHAR Includes a limited number of devices identified by the CLIF consortium Vent, NIPPV, CPAP, High Flow NC, Face Mask, Trach Collar, Nasal Cannula, Room Air, Other
mode_name VARCHAR Includes raw string of the modes. Not used for analysis Example mapping for mode name to mode category
mode_category VARCHAR Limited number of modes identified by the CLIF consortium Assist Control-Volume Control, Pressure Support/CPAP, Pressure Control, Pressure-Regulated Volume Control, Other, SIMV, Blow by
tracheostomy BOOLEAN Indicates if tracheostomy is performed 0 = No, 1 = Yes
fio2_set DOUBLE Fraction of inspired oxygen set
lpm_set DOUBLE Liters per minute set
tidal_volume_set DOUBLE Tidal volume set (in mL)
resp_rate_set DOUBLE Respiratory rate set (in bpm)
pressure_control_set DOUBLE Pressure control set (in cmH2O)
pressure_support_set DOUBLE Pressure support set (in cmH2O)
flow_rate_set DOUBLE Flow rate set
peak_inspiratory_pressure_set DOUBLE Peak inspiratory pressure set (in cmH2O)
inspiratory_time_set DOUBLE Inspiratory time set (in seconds)
peep_set DOUBLE Positive-end-expiratory pressure set (in cmH2O)
tidal_volume_obs DOUBLE Observed tidal volume (in mL)
resp_rate_obs DOUBLE Observed respiratory rate (in bpm)
plateau_pressure_obs DOUBLE Observed plateau pressure (in cmH2O)
peak_inspiratory_pressure_obs DOUBLE Observed peak inspiratory pressure (in cmH2O)
peep_obs DOUBLE Observed positive-end-expiratory pressure (in cmH2O)
minute_vent_obs DOUBLE Observed minute ventilation (in liters)


encounter_id recorded_dttm device_name device_category mode_name mode_category tracheostomy fio2_set lpm_set tidal_volume_set resp_rate_set pressure_control_set pressure_support_set flow_rate_set peak_inspiratory_pressure_set inspiratory_time_set peep_set tidal_volume_obs resp_rate_obs plateau_pressure_obs peak_inspiratory_pressure_obs peep_obs minute_vent_obs
5 2024-05-05 19:37:26 Nasal Cannula 0 6
5 2024-05-05 20:37:26 High Flow NC 0 100 60 60
5 2024-05-05 21:37:26 High Flow NC 0 100 60 60
5 2024-05-05 22:37:26 Vent Assist-Control/Volume Control 0 100 500 20 0 1.2 5 400 14 30 35 5 7
5 2024-05-05 23:37:26 Vent Assist-Control/Volume Control 0 80 400 14 0 1.2 5 400 14 7
5 2024-05-06 00:37:26 Vent Assist-Control/Volume Control 0 75 400 14 0 1.2 5 400 22
5 2024-05-06 03:37:26 Vent Assist-Control/Volume Control 0 50 400 14 0 1.2 5 400 2 30 35 7
5 2024-05-06 04:37:26 Vent Pressure Support 0 50 0 5
5 2024-05-06 05:37:26 Nasal Cannula 0 4 20


Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
encounter_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter
med_order_id VARCHAR Medication order id. Foreign key to link this table to other medication tables
admin_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the medicine was administered Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
med_name VARCHAR Original med name string recorded in the raw data for a limited number of labs identified by the CLIF consortium Example mapping of med_name to med_category
med_category VARCHAR Limited number of medication categories identified by the CLIF consortium List of continuous medication categories in CLIF
med_route VARCHAR eod of medicine delivery
med_dose VARCHAR quantity taken in dose
med_dose_unit VARCHAR unit of dose


encounter_id med_order_id admin_dttm med_name med_category med_route med_dose med_dose_unit
2 43 10/6/2022 11:10:00 phenylephrine vasoactives Intravenous 0.4 mcg/kg/min
2 76 10/6/2022 11:13:00 phenylephrine vasoactives Intravenous 0.75 mcg/kg/min
2 89 10/6/2022 11:32:00 insulin endocrine Intravenous 2 Units/hr
11 42 1/22/2022 00:00:00 propofol sedation Intravenous 40 mcg/kg/min
11 807 1/22/2022 02:13:00 propofol sedation Intravenous 30 mcg/kg/min
11 432 1/22/2022 04:00:00 fentanyl sedation Intravenous 150 mcg/hr

Note: The medication_admin_intermittent table has exactly the same schema. The consortium decided to separate the medications that are administered intermittenly from the continuously administered medications.


Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible values
encounter_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter
start_dttm DATETIME Start date and time of dialysis session Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
stop_dttm DATETIME Stop date and time of dialysis session Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
dialysis_type VARCHAR Type of dialysis performed intermittent, peritoneal, crrt
dialysate_flow_amount DOUBLE Amount of dialysate flow
ultrafiltration_amount DOUBLE Amount of ultrafiltration


encounter_id start_dttm stop_dttm dialysis_type dialysate_flow_amount ultrafiltration_amount
18 2021-03-24 09:00:00 2021-03-24 10:00:00 crrt 0.86 0
18 2021-03-24 10:00:00 2021-03-24 11:00:00 crrt 3.89 0
18 2021-03-24 11:00:00 2021-03-24 12:00:00 crrt 3.82 0
18 2021-03-24 12:00:00 2021-03-24 13:00:00 crrt 3.89 0
18 2021-03-24 13:00:00 2021-03-24 14:00:00 crrt 3.89 0
18 2021-03-24 14:00:00 2021-03-24 15:00:00 crrt 3.900 0


Variable Name Data Type Definition Permissible Values
encounter_id VARCHAR ID variable for each patient encounter. This table only includes those encounters that have proning documented ever.
recorded_dttm DATETIME Date and time when the vital is recorded. Datetime format should be %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
position_name VARCHAR This field is used to store the description of the position from the source data. This field is not used for analysis. No restriction
position_category VARCHAR Map position_name to the to categories identified under CLIF. prone, not_prone


encounter_id recorded_dttm position_name position_category
13 2017-10-25 12:31:00 Lying down not_prone
13 2017-10-25 14:07:00 Sitting not_prone
13 2017-10-26 08:11:00 Lying down not_prone
13 2017-10-27 08:24:00 Prone prone
13 2017-11-19 17:05:00 Lying down;HOB equal/greater than 30 degrees not_prone
13 2017-11-20 11:23:00 Lying down;Prone prone